Wednesday, February 4, 2009

i bite cosmic heads

welcome to my umpteenth blog. i'll try to make this introductory post as comprehensive and cohesive as possible.

here's the deal:
this is my cyberspace for sharing my mystical musings. warm reception and surprising interactions from kitchen synch have inspired me to start this blog. also, duke and wally have inspired me.

i will share horoscopes that i write to amuse customers on this blog. i will share dream interpretations. i will share clairvoyant moments. i will share any other mystical happening that makes adam roll his eyes when i giddily tell him about them.

i invite you to share your dreams with me, so i may attempt to interpret them. i invite you to share clairvoyant moments. i invite you to send me photos of your palms (seriously! please do this! this was the initial idea i had for this blog!) for me to read and post here. also, hand-writing samples would be cool; i'd like to get into analyzing that.

i want this to be a community thing. kitchen synch has led to a lot of e-mails, txts, phone calls and face-to-face discussions with friends and past acquaintances about synchronicities. it tickles my heart when someone i haven't seen/heard from/thought of in months and months emails me to tell me that they've been reading my blog and had a synchronicity and were compelled to tell me about it. let's keep it going!

lastly, i'm sure you're all wondering what the heck a holiday mantis is. well, I am a holiday mantis. i am the one and only. you'd like a little background on my nom de plume? i'd be delighted:

for about a week and half i was posting daily horoscopes at the coffee shop that employs me. my favorite customers liked to read them. the astrologer i fancied clipping is named holiday mathis. DW dubbed me 'holiday mantis' and it has stuck ever since. she is my mystical alter ego.

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